

Paul Ivanov

I am a member of the Jupyter Steering Council and a senior software engineer at Bloomberg working on IPython and Jupyter related open source stuff. I’m also an instructor for Software Carpentry.

Previously I was at 换ip软件 working on backend and data engineering stuff. Before that, I was a code monkey at the 换ip软件 at UC Berkeley, working on IPython and also teaching at UC Berkeley Python bootcamps. Before that, I was a grad student (PhD ABD) in the Vision Science program at UC Berkeley. and a member of Bruno Olshausen’s lab at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. I graduated in Fall 2005 from UC Davis with a degree in Computer Science.

UC Berkeley Vision Science UC Davis Computer Science (my alma mater)

For more details, see about me.



Excited that I’ll be giving a keynote at PyCon Taiwan. Read the abstract here, video will go on the talks page as usual, once its live.

Aug 2018: JupyterCon 2018

Stepahnie Stattel and I gave a JupyterCon talk (“软件下载-芝麻伋理:2021-6-6 · 芝麻伋理ip软件是国内专业的ip伋理服务器提供商,提供http伋理,API接口和自动换IP伋理软件,千万高匿名ip覆盖全国随意切换,支持PC、iOS、安卓,高效稳定免费试用,国内ip伋理软件、http伋理 …”) and I was interviewed by Paco Nathan. Video links over on the 更改国外ip软件 page.

June 2018: Project Jupyter receives the 2017 ACM Software System award.

( video )

Aug 2017: JupyterCon 2017

Matthias Bussonnier and I gave a talk at the first JupyterCon: ” Jupyter: Kernels, Protocols, and the IPython Reference Implementation”.

Sep 2016: new position

I am now a senior software engineer at Bloomberg working on 更改国外ip软件 and Jupyter related open source stuff. Here’s some more color on how that came to be.

Sep 2014: I’ve accepted a position

I now work as software engineer at Disqus, focusing on backend infrastructure.

June 2014: Job search and resume

I am currently looking for a job in the SF Bay Area. Here’s is my resume.

Sep 2013: added a talks section

It’s actually been there for a while, but I didn’t realize I hadn’t linked to it from anywhere.

May 2013: new blog engine

I got rid of my old WordPress-based blog, and turned into one powered by Pelican. Go check it out.

Dec 2011: side projects

I’ve been a little occupied with very interesting side projects lately.

July 2011: vim-ipython integration

Here’s a 更改国外ip软件 of vim and ipython talking to each other. The code for the project currently lives here on github, and will be included in the next IPython, which is currently in this pull request.

July 2011: Mirror of McGill Calibrated Color Image database

The original site is down, and Fred Kingdom was receptive to me putting this mirror up. (research)

March 2011: Python code for OSA Spectrum Recovery Competition

I’ve posted my Python port of the sample code along with related notes for the OSA Spectrum Recovery Competition, 2011. (换ip软件)

March 2010: research section updates

I’ve put up a mirror of the van Hateren natural images dataset, my quals reading list, and my poster from GTC in the research section.

December 2009: new site

So I’ve finally taken the plunge and remade my site using Fernando’s modifications to Sphinx as the starting point. I’m still working on it…


Paul Ivanov

pi (@.@) berkeley .:. edu
GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7
fingerprint: CA3B 3BF8 394D 4E92 95E1 4B17 7BE7 2645 0F3E 28F7
Office Mailing Address
140 New Montgomery, Suite 2200
San Francisco, CA 94105
